Saturday, August 31, 2019

Local Care Home Essay

At this care home, equality, diversity and rights is very important as residents come from a wide cross-section of society. This chapter is set for the new staff members to deliver good quality and compassionate care for our services users. This handbook contains the policies, rules and procedures referred in your contract of employment and the ones you are expected to abide by as a member of the Local Care Home team Wishing all of you a pleasant and worthwhile time with your career at this organisation – your line manager Know your key terms Here is an explanation, with examples of what equality, diversity and rights mean: Equality is being equal and having a fair society, especially in rights, status or opportunities. Some people may experience discrimination because of gender, race, sexuality, age, disability and few others. For example; A blind person is at a disadvantage because they can’t look at a presentation or won’t be able to know what it is about. A diverse action towards this situation is if you read what the power point said they would be getting all equal chances to their education. Diversity means accepting differences; everyone’s differences are equal and accepted/respected. An example of this is; professionals in a health and social care setting should have an understanding that each and every one of their patients is unique and be able to recognise and accept these differences. Rights is a legal entitlement to carry out or have something. When we talk about this, it means mostly to give all the equal opportunities whether small or big. In a health and social care setting such as a nursing home,  every one of the service users should have the right to live, freedom and education. No one should be treated in any different way because of the way they are. Vulnerability (the state of being exposed to emotional or physical danger/harm from others) – in health and social care settings, many people are vulnerable due to the nature of their support needs Non-discriminatory practice is a term used to describe appropriate professional practise. This refers to a number of things: Not treating individuals or groups less favourably than others, whether the treatment is on purpose or not Being treated equally and getting the right non-discriminated care and procedure in a health and social care setting is very important and this will also be expected and assumed from the patients that they are being treated the same as others Valuing diversity All staff and patients must appreciate diversity and respect each other diversely as everyone is unique in their own ways. Meeting individuals’ diverse needs For example if your patient has speech and learning difficulties or their sight is impaired, it is your duty to enable communication any way possible. This could be through body language and tone of voice Discriminatory practice is when someone is discriminated against with a number of forms of discrimination. There are four types of discrimination. Discriminating is treating someone less favourably because of their certain features as mentioned above. This is known as direct discrimination. Discrimination can occurs where there is a policy, practice that disadvantages people. This is a form of indirect discrimination. Harassment, unwanted conduct violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive act. And lastly, victimisation, example of this is; unfair treatment of an employee who made or supported a complaint Discrimination can have many negative impacts on someone’s life and cause  problems and result in low self-esteem and stress. The equality act 2010 mentioned below protects the rights of certain individuals and makes sure that all are being treated equally in all aspects and provides opportunities. You should also bear in mind that patients with certain disabilities may be affected by your or other people’s reactions to their condition. This will also have an impact on their ability to communicate. The Equality Act 2010 This is a legislation which replaced many anti-discrimination laws with a single act. It simplified the laws on things such as sex and religious discrimination. This made it much easier for people to understand and comply with the law. This act promotes the protection for certain people and tackles discrimination and inequality. Here is an example; You suffer from depression, so it’s very hard for you to make decisions or even to get up in the morning. You’re forgetful and you can’t plan ahead. Together, these factors make it difficult for you to carry out day-to-day activities. You’ve had several linked periods of depression over the last two years and the effects of the depression are long-term. So, for the purposes of the Equality Act, you’re defined as a ‘disabled person’. Before the Equality Act, you might not have been able to get disability discrimination protection. Different discriminatory practises Covert abuse of power – this is a hidden use of power to discriminate. This can is when someone is being treated in a different way compared to others and not getting the same level of treatment. This can lead to jeopardising one’s health and well being Overt abuse of power – openly using power to discriminate. This will have similar results as with covert abuse of power but if the discriminated person realises their situation, they will be greatly affected and this will have a negative impact on their recovery and may even trigger mental health issues. Prejudice – this is an opinion or idea based on no real knowledge or experience of the truth. Will lead to suspecting and even hatred of another group of people. As a result of discriminatory actions of others individuals may develop physical or mental health problems. Stereotyping – a common, fixed and oversimplified view of a person/group of people. A generalisation and to describe or classify someone. For example, a racial or religious stereotype. (All Muslims are terrorist, as a minority of the followers did something silly, now all Muslims are judged bad due to what the minority has done). Bullying – is using power to intimidate another person. This comes in many forms such as cyber, physical, verbal etc. which all lead to distress and maybe even mental health. Depending on the age of the person that gets bullied it can really affect them. For example; several teenagers have committed suicide because of being bullied. Whereas, some adults may have had to leave their job as they were being bullied or abused. Infringement of rights is when we are not respecting an individual’s rights and not letting them practice their religion or culture. This may then lead an individual feeling devalued and unhappy, which can then affect their health. Scenarios 1. A health care visitor could be discriminative to someone due to them being a different religion and they may think that they will raise their children in a strange or a different way. This could lead them being discriminated and end up being reported, neglected and abused which in turn can cause depression and end in having low self esteem 2. A care profession is making the judgment that Mark is on drugs and doesn’t care about his health and his family so the doctor does not give him a fair  treatment. Now Mark might become reluctant to seek support and his condition worsen and affect his physical health even more as he did not receive the promised support from the health care center. In the worst case, Mark might end up dying. 3. Julia is a Gypsie traveler and she wants to register to a GP surgery service. As everyone is required to provide proof of address for first time registering, Julia is at a disadvantage because she’ll find it difficult to register (no constant address). This is an indirect discrimination against her group of race. Because of their characteristics of race, she and her group will be affected. This can lead to Julia not receiving the help and surgery care that she needed and now Julia can end up distressed as not knowing what to do and her condition may deteriorate. class worksheets (A.1 understand the importance of non-discriminatory practice in health and social care – discriminatory and non-discriminatory practice in health and social care),%20equal%20opportunities%20and%20human%20rights.pdf

Friday, August 30, 2019

Case: Patients like me Essay

Patients like me(PLM) is a social network which covers different diseases. Members get access to a large database of information about other people who has the same illness as them selves. They also have access to forums, which lets them communicate with other patients as well. This enables patients to get information about their disease and gain new insight, the possibility to ask for practical advice, which doctors do not know about. Other reasons for becoming a member can be to contribute to research about their disease, to help other people with the same medical problems, sharing experiences and having someone to relate to and who knows what they are going through. The site thus covers human needs for both information and emotional support when handeling complex problems in pressing situations. Does the platform work for any diseases? In the short term the platform is most useful on diseases that have a lot of daily practical aspects to it. This is because this is where other patients can best contributing with advice. In the longer term medical companies can use the information to research new drugs. 2. What are the reactions of physicians to sites like PLM? Do you agree with them? Reactions for physicians are mainly issues of misinformation and for what purpose the information is used. When it comes to misinformation this is related to people self reporting on their illness and people without a medical degree voicing their unqualified opinion about drugs, other peoples symptoms ect. The statements on these pages can have consequences that unqualified person did not intend. When it comes to misinformation I have agree with the physicians. There are limitations to the data posted by the unqualified members of sites like PLM. On the other hand I am also of the opinion that even though the information is self-reported, it can be a valuable lead and provide information that is good enough for a particular use. This large amount of self reported information could also be a way to gain new insights that were previously unknown. 3. Should PLM launch the General Platform? If yes, how does it ensure that it is as successful in engaging patients as its current platform? If no, how does PLM grow? From a business standpoint, PLM should launch the General Platform. This creates a business opportunity to start the first communities for a lot of different illnesses that does not yet have a social network. The first mover advantage is very significant in social media and should be taken advantage of. There are a number of factors that make up a digital social network with engaged users. One of them is functionality and ease of use. This is very important so that the user experience is as enjoyable as possible and thereby barriers to usage are as low. Secondly, the content that is on the site needs to be of use for the members using it. This means that there should be some sort of moderation on the site. This is important since bad/abusive/misinforming users tend to crowd out the good/contributing users. If abusive users are allowed to still be active on the site can make potential members shy away from the site. This will seriously damage the PLM brand and profitability in the long run. By being aware of this and having prepared systems to handle this kind of problem the risk of this happening is limited. 4. So far, PLM has generated revenues by providing market research to pharmaceutical companies. Should it expand its business model to insurance companies and research institutions? Does it have the potential of becoming the â€Å"Bloomberg of medical data’? PLM has opened a large amount of data about different patients that would otherwise not be avaliable to third party institutions. This makes it possible for them to become a †Bloomberg of medical data†. It is without doubt that this can be a large business opportunity for PLM and the firms in need of medical information. If insurance companies could get better insight into how the populations health is, they could write more precise policies which better descibes the risk that patients are exposed to. If the risk is overstated, this means more expensive insurrance. This can lead to a loss of marketshare for the insurrance company and higher prices for consumers. Research institutions can get access to data that they might not have been able to get or would have cost a lot of money to gather. This would be a win-win situation for both PLM, the research institutions, insurance companies and patients.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Effect Of Inflation, Pro and Cons Of Inflation

This graph above show the inflation rate and gdp rate in Malaysia for the year 2005 until 2012. http://zaidzainuddin. wordpress. com/2012/12/14/the-effect-of-inflation-on-malaysias-economic-growth/ The effect of inflation on economic growth is debatable and can act as either a positive or a negative influence. Local and international researchers have conducted studies on the relationship of Malaysia’s inflation rate and economic growth. It can be concluded that over the past decades, there has been a general non-linear relationship between inflation rate and economic growth in Malaysia. However, in the long run inflation has a positive effect on Malaysia’s economic growth. This correlates with econometric study as they too reported a positive impact of inflation in the long run. Pro & Cons Of Inflation Inflation may have a positive effect in Malaysian economy. This is because deflation is very harmful, inflation enables adjustment of prices and wages and boost economy growth. The first advantage is deflation is very harmful. Deflation is a negative effect of inflation. For example, the Japanese economy has suffered lower growth because of deflation. When prices are falling people are reluctant to spend money because they are concerned that prices will be cheaper in the future, therefore, they keep delaying purchases. Second advantage is moderate inflation enables adjustment of prices and wages. It is argued a moderate rate of inflation makes it easier to adjust relative wages and prices. For example, it may be difficult to cut nominal wages (workers resent wage cut). But, if average prices are rising, it is easier to increase good workers’ wages more than unproductive workers. Third advantage is inflation can boost growth. At times of very low inflation the economy may be stuck in a recession. Arguably targeting a higher rate of inflation can enable a boost to growth. This view is controversial. Not all economists would support targeting a higher inflation rate. However, some would target higher inflation, if the economy was stuck in a prolonged recession. Inflation is considered to be a problem when the inflation rate rises above 2%. The higher the inflation, the more serious the problem it is. The first problem is inflation tends to discourage

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Cartography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cartography - Essay Example Consequently, the capability of maps to visualize geographical information and the  geo-spatial  patterns, has made them to prominent in the  GIScience  study and process.    It was  Goodchild  who authored the concept of  GIScience  around the year 1992. He described  GIScience  as a Discipline of Science dealing with  GIS  technology and the obstructions affecting the scientific representation of  geo  spatial data.  Ã‚  Experts further elaborated on this concept and described the function of  GIScience  as addressing the fundamental research principles forming the basis of  GIS. It was also sought to be explained as application of  GIS  to solve scientific problems. From the research point of view, there is justification to conclude that visual representation of GIS data is a major concern of GIScience. These perceptions about the GIScience were further stretched by the books and journals which appeared during the beginning phase of the Sc ience. Maps aid in visual thinking and it would be logical to conclude that GIScience is the application of scientific methodology through maps to the research on GIS. While GIS attempts to represent Geo- spatial data in a methodical, and an intelligible manner through maps, GIScience attempts to address the problems arising in doing so, and further provides reference basis to interpret information represented in maps. GIScience  thus studies spatial representations in maps, map analysis and accuracy in map applications, map visualization, and other similar queries regarding use of maps for the benefit of the society. The significance of maps in the  GIScience  has automatically overlapped the traditional disciplines that deal with the Earth’s complete geographical study and environment. Further, the use of maps in  GIS  is not restricted to the above mentioned subjects, but they also deal with IT Cognitive Sciences besides dealing into artificial intelligence.  W hile it affects each of these sciences,  GIScience  and maps are not central to any of them. It is by itself a new kind of Collaborative Science involving researchers from diverse backdrops working mutually to resolve related problems. These problems being scientific in character and are also related to resource management, commerce, and administration, (Andrienko, and Andrienko, 1999)..    Referring to maps, they were the first tools to be used for representing, synthesizing, analyzing and interpreting geographical data. The rise of Geographical Information Systems has encouraged these functions further. The rigours and elaborate labour associated with the production of maps has now been reduced and there is the added convenience of being able to produce numerous versions of a map from different view points, just by clicking a specific option button or a click of the mouse. Experts haves cited the proliferation of maps, as a result of the emergence of the Internet and the Wor ld Wide Web (WWW). It may be argued also that the quality of such instant maps is no match to the product of the cartographer’s precise and painstaking labour, (Frerichs, 20001). Experts may argue that the precise and laborious map is not always a necessity for a quick grasp of a

BBC Facing Tide of Claims for Sex and Age Discrimination Essay

BBC Facing Tide of Claims for Sex and Age Discrimination - Essay Example This study discusses that figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show that in the past year there have been 12 cases brought by women alleging sexual discrimination at the corporation.This was up from nine in the year before and three in the year before that. There have also been a further three cases of ageism brought against the BBC by women in the last three years. The broadcaster refuses to say how many of these women it has given payments to stop an employment tribunal. But it is understood this has happened on several occasions in recent years and that is why these type of cases against the BBC have rarely if ever actually reached court. The decision to drop Moira Stuart as a TV news reader was one of the most controversial examples of perceived sexism and ageism at the BBC in recent years. This was followed by the decision to axe Miss Phillips.This paper outlines that presenters such as Selina Scott, Anna Ford and Kate Adie have also attacked the BBC's attitude towards older women amid accusations it shunts females off screen once they reach a certain age. In 2008 Miss Scott won a payout, believed to have been about [pounds sterling]250,000, from Channel Five after she said she had been offered a newsreading job only for it to be given to two younger presenters. Experts say the increase in cases could be because women have become emboldened to speak out against bosses or because the problems are actually getting worse.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anthropology - Essay Example Ortner declares inferiority of women at social scale as the outcome of her biological and physical composition, which not only deprives her of respect equivalent to men, but also are assigned quite different duties, obligations and responsibilities in the light of their innate physical qualities. Hence, it is nature to assign divergent responsibilities to both the genders on the basis of their mental and physical characteristics. Ortner also finds females closer to nature than males because of their tendencies, inclinations and apparent traits. The theory has been topic of discussion since it was first presented in 1972. Though the present paper also views males closer to nature in many aspects, yet it partially agrees with the notion that females have same connection with males as the nature maintains with the cultural attributes prevailing within a society. Ortner declares division of labour as the outcome of biological features of humans. In other words, nature of man’s wor k, activities, attitude, behaviour and career selection are directly dependent of his innate aptitude, physical strength, mental capabilities and gender. Consequently, man’s abilities to dominate over others also seek roots in his natural competence and inborn gifted faculties.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Self assessment analysis Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Self assessment analysis - Speech or Presentation Example The strengths and weaknesses as a public speaker are very difficult to analyze but if once they are analyzed one can implement strategies for improving on the weaknesses. Being a public speaker I have realized that I possess some of the right skills to deliver my speech which help me in maintaining my tone while giving the speech. I have confidence in delivering my speech with the right tone and volume to the audience without being loud or quiet. In the speeches that I deliver I have realized that I have the capability to evoke emotions in my audience. I make a bond between me and my audience so that they can understand each and everything that I am trying to convey. Forming a bond with the audience is the most important task as it is then that the audience would start realizing the worth of the words I am stating. I formulate my speech by myself which helps me to deliver it in the proper form that it was formulated. I define my thesis properly so that I can contain the interest of t he audience to myself. The confidence of my speech power can be seen in my delivery as I don’t stutter or stop in between while giving the speech. The usage of slang words such ‘um’ or ‘uh’ is not witnessed in my speeches. For a public speaker the most important part in a speech is where he has to emphasize on certain aspects. I have the capability to emphasize on the important points so that the audience can grasp them and judge my speech in accordance to the points I delivered. In delivering the speech I make sure that I give a critical review about a specific topic so that the audience can judge if I have the right opinion on the topic or not. All these strengths help me to deliver a speech in accordance to the requirements. Like every normal individual I also have some weaknesses which can prove to be detrimental for my speech abilities. I have the right confidence in delivering a speech but I do lack some confidence in making eye contact with th e audience which has a negative impact on them. At times I get a little nervous when I make eye contact with them and this has an impact on my speech. Another negative of my speech capabilities is that I have to write everything on a piece of paper as I tend to forget things when I reach the stage. This is a negative point for the speech because I have to see the paper again and again while delivering the speech. Another weakness that I have is that I try to go very fast in some instances where I believe that the audience is losing interest in my speech. But I go fast here only because I need to build up on the momentum of the speech. All these weaknesses can be improved if I follow some specific strategies. In order to have proper eye contact with the audience I need to practice my speech in front of a large audience so that I can get used to the audience. I need to build up on my confidence and practice my speech in front of my friends too while looking at them. This would help me to look above while I deliver my speech. This would also help me to overcome the problem of breaks when I make eye contact with them. Writing on a piece of paper is a negative and I have to learn to build up on my learning skills so that I don’t have to write them out. I have to write the main points out on a piece of paper and practice the speech in front of a known audience to see if I have grasped the necessary skills or not. If I follow all these strategies

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Presidential election of 2012 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Presidential election of 2012 - Essay Example However, the Republican Party in support of Romney managed to maintain control of the house representation at 233 seats, while the democrats were the majority in the senate representation with 53 seats (BBC The 2012 U.S. elections came at a time that required special attention due to slow economic recovery, and the New Jersey Superstorm Sandy that gave people an opportunity to criticize the existing leadership. The catastrophe had called for the previous Obama government and Democratic Party to act wisely, maintain balance, and a good image before the nation that paid close attention. The quick move taken by the President Obama with the New Jersey governor, Chris Christie of the Republican Party to provide aid to the affected East Coast society, benefitted President Barack Obama in gathering support from people of New Jersey, for handling the emergency with integrity. During the last days of the campaign, the two presidential candidates had to perfect their actions and im ages towards the New Jersey disaster but as usual, it was up to the voter to decide how they related and viewed the actions of both candidates. The disaster seemed to be the last determinant of the voters’ motivation in support of their favorable candidate. Mitt Romney in his campaign marked the last Tuesday to the elections as ‘Storm Relief Events’ where he took blankets and food to the affected victims, while Obama rescheduled his activities on the following Wednesday, forfeiting the valuable time he would have had campaigning for his re-election, to focus on immediate management of the crisis, talking with the affected society and viewing the storm damage one on one (Fischer, This strategy was well rewarded for Obama who Acquired 58 % of the votes in the state of New Jersey (â€Å"US election 2012† 1. Social Welfare Politics in North America have had along history with differentiated support of the leading political partie s that seem to be divided along racial and religious voters. Certain people tend to be associated with Democratic Party and not republican, based on their religious belief and race which end up into political debates, and in turn affect the voting pattern. The 2012 U.S. elections had a major issue surrounding the personal religious identities of the two leading presidential candidates, which well connects with the divisive social issues within religious dimensions. According to Wade, the Republican Party has more support from the whites than black based on their catholic and protestant religious faith ( There was little support for the Republican from the blacks and religiously unaffiliated (see fig. 1). Fig. 1. Republican composition based on religion from Lisa Wade. ; â€Å"Religion and Race among Democrats and Republicans†; 15 September, 2012; Web; 12 November, 2012. On the other hand, democrats have most of their stronghold from t he societies dominated by black people and those religiously unassociated than in republican support (Wade ). Certain issues like permission of same sex marriages, the legality of abortion, inclusion of the word God on Parties platform and critical controversy of the Muslim video, set the differences between the parties and their support (see fig. 2). Fig. 2. Democrates composition based on religion from Lisa Wade. ; â€Å"Religion and Race among Democrats and Republicans†; 15 September, 2012; Web; 12 November, 2012. Mitt Romney was initially satisfied by women making their decision on abortion, but following

Saturday, August 24, 2019

What is a Woman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What is a Woman - Essay Example Kant described a woman in terms of everything beautiful in this world. He believed that they contain chief ground for the contrast between the beautiful and noble qualities in human nature. He also believed that females have the ability to refine the males. In my opinion, human generation advanced a lot from the Kant era and if Kant lived in the twenty-first century, he would have definitely changed some of his opinions. Females have no hesitation in doing evil acts now. Former Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Gandhi was even dared to declare an emergency in the country in order to silence her critics and to suppress the rights of the people. Many of the evil acts in this world at present are performed by the males because of the persuasion of the females. If we cannot define a woman in terms of female qualities or behaviors, then we have only one option left; define the woman in terms of their genetic differences. Simon de Beauvoir argued that â€Å"if today femininity no longer exists, then it never existed† (Beauvoir, p.87). In other words, Simon de Beauvoir believes that femininity has not changed over the years. Simon de Beauvoir’s opinions are right only if we define femininity in terms of physical attributes. It is a fact that the physical characteristics of woman have not been changed over the years. However, the same thing cannot be said about the mental characteristics or qualities of females as described by Immanuel Kant. The modern woman has no hesitation in doing everything just like their male counterparts. ... Many of the evil acts in this world at present are performed by the males because of the persuasion of the females. If we cannot define a woman in terms of female qualities or behaviours, then we have only one option left; define the woman in terms of their genetic differences. Simon de Beauvoir argued that â€Å"if today femininity no longer exists, then it never existed† (Beauvoir, p.87). In other words, Simon de Beauvoir believes that femininity has not changed over the years. Simon de Beauvoir’s opinions are right only if we define femininity in terms of physical attributes. It is a fact that the physical characteristics of woman have not been changed over the years. However, same thing cannot be said about the mental characteristics or qualities of females as described by Immanuel Kant. Modern woman has no hesitation in doing everything just like their male counterparts. In fact they are arguing for equality in every respect and they see not differences in abilitie s of mental characteristics of males and females. They are no longer the entities which look only the beautiful side of life. Current woman are actively participating in most of the male dominant professions. Even in militaries of many countries, women play a vital role in wars and other military functions. Many of the biggest organizations in the world have women CEO’s at present. PepsiCo is one best example. In short, current women argue for equality with males in every respect and they succeeded in achieving it up to certain extent. Under such circumstances, femininity lost its meanings in the modern society. In short, if femininity or woman is defined in terms of genetic differences (ovaries and uterus), we can safely conclude that

Friday, August 23, 2019

Personal financial planning report for Ms Lucy Hargreaves Essay

Personal financial planning report for Ms Lucy Hargreaves - Essay Example The report further plans to develop and implement an appropriate action plan so that all objectives are achieved at most optimum utilisation and allocation of scarce resources. Considering the fact that the system is composed of both systematic and unsystematic risks and also that the future is uncertain, it will be logical to make some important assumptions in the report so that the outcomes appear more realistic. The report is sub-divided into separate sections highlighting specific aspects related to financial plan. For your convenience, all calculations are included and confined to the Appendices section of this report to maintain clarity of presentation. The report begins with a summary of your priorities and objectives, followed by an outline of your probable attitude towards risk. Then the report makes an assessment of your current financial situation based on the objectives and assumptions and finally the report concludes with recommendations on how you will be able to achiev e your goals. 2) Goals & Objectives 2.1) Immediate Objectives The most apparent immediate objectives are as follows: Protection of your current investments Prioritise financial security for yourself and your family considering the fact that your brother is currently unemployed and lives with your parents Prepare a coherent investment plan for investments in OEIC as the stocks are not performing well currently Protect the capital invested by investing in less risky assets as you have low appetite for risk You are concerned that you might end up paying higher taxes to authorities on your savings and investments and hence you need proper tax planning 2.2) Long-term Goals To save towards a deposit scheme on flat at some time in the near future You are also interested to join a pension scheme so as to achieve financial security even after your retirement (Age UK, 2013) Both your parents are teachers and are planning to retire in 5 years implying that investment in a pension scheme is mus t for future financial security (Standard Life, 2013) Your father has minor health issues but it would be safe to plan proper health insurance scheme in advance so that during situations of emergencies your family is protected Tax savings from incomes and investments In order to achieve the above mentioned objectives, it is important that the report considers aspects of personal retirement planning, risk management, education funding, mortgage planning, and tax planning. It is also important to remember that financial risk arise from debt obligations and hence a part of saving s and investments must also be channelled towards payment of existing liabilities or debts (like use of credit cards and unsecured debts). 3) Current Scenario Analysis On our first appointment I came to know about the fact that you have already purchased Gilt securities worth ?1,500, shortly after your graduation. The primary reason that you have invested in this type of asset class is that you consider Gilts as less risky investment. It was also given that a couple of years ago you purchased OEIC

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The New Negro Movement and Harlem Renaissance Essay Example for Free

The New Negro Movement and Harlem Renaissance Essay American publishers and critics, in the mainstream circle, took significant notice of African American writers and artists in the neighborhood of Harlem in New York City. This cultural revival of African American literature and arts including music and theater came to be known as the Harlem Renaissance. This cultural revolution of sorts began in 1918 at the end of World War I, peaked in the 1920s and continued in the mid-30s. The Harlem Renaissance came about due to several developments among the African Americans. After the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865 waves of Black American migrants flocked from the impoverished agricultural south to the promise of the industrial north to take on various jobs created by the war. Educated and social cause advocates were concentrated in Harlem that eventually made it the political and cultural haven of African Americans. African American literature and arts flourished. Black music and musical artists were popular. Black literary works received excellent reviews and critics’ nod and soon enough, national recognition. The literary works depicted African American life. However, there was diversity in these works. There was no style or ideology common in them. Their only desire was to express and tell their audience about the African American life. In the 1910s the African Americans were pushing for equal rights and opportunities in their ranks. An inspiring figure in that era was Marcus Mosiah Garvey, who was born in Jamaica. Jobs brought him to most parts of Central America, England and the United States. In those places he saw the distressing working conditions and the hardships experienced by the Blacks. He published the Negro World, a weekly, in Harlem from 1918 to 1933. The paper served as a medium for him to articulate his ideals for the Blacks. It was successful with its 50,000 circulation. It had French and Spanish sections. In addition, he was affiliated with other publications. In 1914, Garvey returned to Jamaica and formed the Universal Negro Movement and Conservation Association and African Communities League or the UNIA, in August 1 of the save year. His objective was to unify the Blacks to create their own country and government. UNIA’s objectives were to promote love and pride for the race, to assist those in need, to re-establish their identity, further education and culture, and open trade and commerce with the world. In 1916 he traveled to the United States to work for making the UNIA an international organization. By 1920 he was successful, UNIA spread in 40 countries with more than 1,100 branches. In 1920, UNIA held its first convention in Harlem which had a great impact on the African American. The convention adopted what would be the start of a Black nationalist movement – The Declaration of the Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World. The New Negro Movement sought to inculcate pride of race, independence and a better life for African Americans. The 54 articles in the Declaration outlined the abuses on the rights of the Blacks. It denounced the discriminatory practice of subordinating blacks below whites; they demanded to spell Negro with a capital N as respect to their race. These paid off and the movement was successful. In 1928, Garvey went to Geneva to present the Petition of the Negro Race to the League of Nations. The petition spoke for all the Blacks around the world. It contained the abuses on Blacks in all parts of the world. It sought not only to bring the cause of the Blacks to the rest of the world but also to seek redress. It exposed the apartheid in South Africa and protested its fitness as administrator of Namibia. The New Negro Movement and the Harlem Renaissance had a common rallying point – the African American race. They pushed for the recognition of the Blacks as equal to any and all other racial groups. They hoped to improve the living conditions, open economic opportunities, and instill pride among its people. The most influential figure of the time was Marcus Gravey who was said to have brought dignity to the Negro. The means to similar ends differed. The artists and writers of the Harlem Renaissance used their music, poetry, and fiction to express in beautiful verses, songs and prose the rich black culture and the aspirations of their race. The movement worked through their organized network. The movement and the renaissance came almost simultaneously because opportunities were better during the era. Harlem was significant to the African American because the most important dates in the movement and the renaissance happened in the New York community. Harlem was their Mecca, the place that saw their struggles and their victories. Harlem was their home and their refuge. References Wintz, C. DC. (2007). Harlem Renaissance. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2007. Retrieved April 25, 2007, from UNIA-ACL. (2005, January 28). UNIA History. Retrieved April 25, 2007, from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Roman changes and continuities Essay Example for Free

Roman changes and continuities Essay Roman civilization had some continuities and changes of their political and cultural systems, during the decline of the classical era. An example of continuity would be that the Western European church still used Latin as the language of the church. However the religion was changed during the reign of Emperor Constantine. Rome started out as most class systems with an upper, middle, and lower classes. After a period of great peace and prosperity known as the â€Å"pax Romana† is when the Roman Empire started to decline, because the wealthy were becoming more and more wealthy and the middle and lower classes were becoming poorer and poorer. The lack of money circulated caused the majority of Roman citizens who were poor to become depressed and careless. This carelessness from the citizens caused them to stop participating in serving the country and doing Civil services as well as stopping them from being creative with arts and science. The Roman government was an absolute monarchy in which the Emperor was worshiped as a god. Before the decline there was no official religion that everyone had to believe in, the government had religious tolerance as long as the people believed the Emperor was a god. However during the reign of Emperor Constantine he declared Christianity the official religion of Rome. Although even before Constantine declared Christianity the official religion some people already practiced it. The polytheistic religion that many Roman’s believed in did not give hope to the people for something better after they died. Christianity did if the followers lived by the simple moral ethics by working hard and doing good deeds. Another change that Christianity brought was about having sexual relationships with others, and that you should only have relations with your spouse. Also Christianity made them believe that everyone was equal and so slavery almost disappeared in Western Europe. However Latin was, and still is, the main language of the Western European churches. Also because architecture was considered as art, the architectural styles of the Roman civilization are still used today. The myths of the polytheistic religion that Rome once had were inspiration for many renaissance artists such as Michaelangelo Buonorroti and Sandro Botticelli. As you can see the Roman Empires decline brought about some changes and continuities. The changes either helped or hurt Rome and some of the continuities are still used today.

The Inditex-Zara case

The Inditex-Zara case INTRODUCTION In todays highly competitive and global marketplace, the pressure on organizations to find new ways to create and deliver value to the customers grows even stronger. Market development combined with new sources of global competition has led to over-capacity in many industries. Putting an incredible pressure on price, as often is the critical competitive variable. This leads to the need of more effectiveness and efficiency inside a business. It is against these new conditions that the use of supply chain management has moved to the centre stage over the last two decades (Christopher, 2004). To manage the supply chain better, is to serve the customers more effectively and yet reduce the cost of providing that service. There has been a growing recognition that it is through this kind of management that it can be achieved a twin goal of cost reduction and service improvement. Even if the concept of integration within the business and between businesses is not new, the acceptance of its validity by managers is. According to Chris Zook managing the supply chain is not an easy task (Zook, 2001). Most companies do not manage to achieve their intended goals. Nevertheless, those which are doing well today have on average low odds to be doing so in the next five to ten years. An important key to do well is to understand why some companies succeed and others do not. This to avoid common pitfalls and instead of spending time recovering from previous mistakes, the company can focus on the future. With this in mind, this coursework will look into how businesses manage their supply chain. This by looking into the supply chain of the fastest growing clothing brand in Europe and the world today, Zara, and highlight the main characteristics of the supply chain management as well as its application ( market chain). If the chances are small to succeed, what do successful companies do right that others do wrong? COMPANY PROFILE Zara is the flagship chain store of Inditex group owned by Spanish tycoon Amancio Ortega. Zara is the most internationalized of Inditex ´s chains. The group is headquartered in A Coruà ±a, Spain, where the first Zara store opened in 1975. Now Inditex, the holding group that includes the Zara brand, has over 1300 stores in 39 countries with sales of over â‚ ¬3 billion. (Zara 2009) The Zara brand accounts for over 75 per cent of the group ´s total retail sales, and is still based in northwest Spain. By 2003 it had become the world ´s fastest-growing volume garment retailer. The Inditex group also has several other branded chains, including Pull and Bear, and Massimo Dutti. In total it employs almost 40,000 people in a business that is known for a high degree of vertical integration compared with most fast fashion companies.(Cowe, It is claimed that Zara needs just two weeks to develop a new product and get it to the stores, compared with a six month industry average, and launches around 40,000 new designs each year. Zara has resisted the industry-wide trend towards transferring fast fashion production to low-cost countries. While it spent little on ads, it spent heavily on stores. Zara is a vertically integrated retailer. Unlike similar apparel retailers, Zara controls most of the steps on the supply-chain: It designs, produces and distributes itself. The business system that had resulted was particularly distinctive in that Zara manufactured its most fashion-sensitive products internally. Zara did not produce classics, clothes that would always be in style. In fact, the company intended its clothes to have fairly short life spans, both within stores and in customers ´ closets. LITERATURE REVIEW Value Chain The idea of the value chain is based on the process view of organizations, the idea of seeing a manufacturing (or service) organization as a system, made up of subsystems each with inputs, transformation processes and outputs. Inputs, transformation processes, and outputs involve the acquisition and consumption of resources-money, labor, materials, equipment, buildings, land, administration and management. How value chain activities are carried out determines costs and affects profits. Most organizations engage in hundreds, even thousands, of activities in the process of converting inputs to outputs. These activities can be classified generally as either primary or support activities that all businesses must undertake in some form. (Cowe et al.2008:81). The outlined process of Porter ´s value chains is presented in see Figure 1. According to Porter (1985), the primary activities are: Inbound Logistics: involve relationships with suppliers and include all the activities required to receive, store, and disseminate inputs. Operations: are all the activities required to transform inputs into outputs (products and services). Outbound Logistics: include all the activities required to collect, store, and distribute the output. Marketing and Sales: activities inform buyers about products and services, induce buyers to purchase them, and facilitate their purchase. Service: includes all the activities required to keep the product or service working effectively for the buyer after it is sold and delivered. Support activities are: Procurement: is the acquisition of inputs, or resources, for the firm. Human Resource management: consists of all activities involved in recruiting, hiring, training, developing, compensating and (if necessary) dismissing or laying off personnel. Technological Development: pertains to the equipment, hardware, software, procedures and technical knowledge brought to bear in the firms transformation of inputs into outputs. Infrastructure: serves the companys needs and ties its various parts together, it consists of functions or departments such as accounting, legal, finance, planning, public affairs. Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the management of the relationships and flows between the string of operations and processes that produce value in the form of products and services to the ultimate consumer. It is a holistic approach to managing across the boundaries of companies and of processes. Technically, supply chains are different from supply networks. A supply network is all the operations that linked together so as to provide goods and services through to end customers. In large supply network there can be many hundreds of supply chains of linked operations passing through a single operations. Internal supply network, and supply chain, management concerns flow between processes or departments. Confusingly, the terms supply network and supply chain management are often used interchangeably. (Cowe, It is worth emphasizing again that the supply chain concept applies to internal process networks as well as external supply networks. Many of the ideas discussed in the context of the operation-to-operation supply chain also apply to the process-to-process internal supply chain. It is also worth nothing that the flows in supply chains are not restricted to the downstream flow products and services from suppliers through to the customers. Although the most obvious failure in supply chain management occurs when downstream flow fails to meet customer requirements, the root cause may be a failure in the upstream flow of information. Modern supply chain management is as much concerned with managing information flows (upstream and downstream) as it is with managing the flow of products and services. (See Figure 2) Information System Management In the current competition of the modern world, information relating to inputs, the transformation process and outputs is the vital resource organization owns to add value. An information system management is a planned system of the collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management. (Kotler 2006) The development of an ISM is nowadays greatly facilitated by the increasing sophistication and affordability of powerful personal computers and various other aspects of information technology (IT). Thus, technology is improving the speed and reliability with which information is passed not only around the individual organization but also around the globe, and `dramatic reductions in the cost of obtaining, processing and transmitting information are changing the way we do business (Porter and Millar, 1991). Porters value chain (Porter, 1980, 1985) was developed as a method for analyzing the sources of competitive advantage available to a firm. IS assumes that competitive advantage results from a combination of the many different activities a firm pursues during the course of its business, rather than coming from one individual source. CASE STUDY ZARA Operation Management Different organisations have to target customers in order to offer some services or product that someone is willing to pay for it. Operation management is pretty much involved with making this possible. Operation management is the activity of managing the resources and processes that produce goods and services and more specifically operation management examines how the operations function of a business produces products and services for external customers. (Cowe, The general transformation process model (Figure 4) shows an arrangement of resources that transforms inputs into outputs that satisfy customer needs. In the case of Zara (Figure 5) the inputs of the organization are comprised of the raw materials, such as the fabrics that after design and manufacturing-retailing will produce the garments, information such as products protocol, human resources such as the designers that has the skills and knowledge to produce the garments. The transformation process consists of the manufacturing and services operations that are necessary to transform input into output, which are spitted into three basic product divisions: mens and womens and kids apparel, such as lower garment, upper garment, shoes, boots, bags, cosmetique and complements. All processes differ in some way, so, to some extent all processes need to be managed differently. In addition processes also differ in terms of the nature of their demand that is why we have to take into account those next four characteristics, which indicate how process need to be managed: Volume, variety, variation and visibility. In the case of Zara the operations process is unique and envied throughout the world: Volume: In terms of volume Zara is high. Although there is a high degree of systemization of the process to produce garments, due to the turnover in each shop is replaced every two weeks is a unique case. Variety: In terms of variety Zara is as high as the volume is. It has a wide range of products for men, women and children such as cosmetiques, suits and sport clothes respectively for each one. Variation: The variation in demand is quite high; because the demand is unpredictable and cannot be planned in advanced, extra resources will have to be designed into the process to provide a mechanism which can absorb unexpected demand. Zara will have to cope with the general seasonality of the garment market together with the uncertainty of whether particular styles may or may not prove popular. Visibility: In terms of visibility of the process is to the customer is low as they are simply presented with the final product to try on and finally purchase. All the above are summarized in Figure 6. Due to the high volume and variety involved in the process the key process choice is the batch process. A high volume of identical Items are produced together hence the flow is intermittent as each batch although requiring the same basic skills requires different variety and expertise in detail. The lay out type is undoubtedly the product layout type. Once the goods have been produced on the factory floor they are moved to store houses and quickly shipped to the high streets. Hence we can say the fit between the layout and the process type is correct as product based processes are used for high volume processes in general. Supply Chain Management Supply chain management is the management of the interconnection of organizations that relate to each other through upstream and downstream linkages between the processes that produce value to the ultimate consumer in the form of products and services. (MacKerron, G. (2009) Lectures slides for MBA) Zara operates using a vertical supply chain, which is a unique strategy in the fashion industry. Vertically integrated business undertakes a variety of activities from designing, manufacturing, sourcing, and distribution to retail stores around the world. They choose to handle design, production, and distribution in-house and concentrate the whole production close to their headquarters in Spain. By integrating the entire process, Zara can react much faster than its competitors do to both the ephemeral trends in the world of fashion and the capricious tastes of its customers. At the end of every working day the manager of a Zara store reports exactly what has been sold to headquarters. This information is quickly relayed to the design department where product lines can be altered, supplanted or created in a matter of days. This gives the company total business management. (See Figure 7) In an interview with CNN, Jose Maria Castellano, chief executive at Inditex, talked about Zaras supply chain and indicated its unusual structure by saying: Investment banks used to say that this model did not work, but we have shown that it gives us more flexibility in production, sales and stock management, (Zara Who we are, 2001) The Zara  ´supply chain management operation leads to customer visit the store over four times more frequently than other stores. Spontaneous design, just-in time production and rapid turnover of merchandise lead to a higher level of fashionable clothes. Even though the labor cost in Europe is higher, the efficiency of this system allows Zara to keep costs down by spending less cost on transportation and keeping inventories low refer. (Figure 7) Design Zara emphasize the importance of design in this market, its design functions are organized in a different way from those of most similar companies. Conventionally, the design input come from three separate functions: the designers themselves, market specialists, and buyers who place orders on to suppliers. At Zara the design stage is split into three product areas: women ´s, men ´s and children ´s garments. In each area, designers, market specialists, and buyers are co-located in designs halls that also contain small workshops for trying out prototype designs. The market specialists in all three design halls are in regular contact with Zara retail stores, discussing customer reaction to new designs. In this way, the retail stores are not the end of the whole supply chain but the beginning of the design stage of the chain. Zara ´s around 300 designers, whose average age is 26, produce approximately 40,000 items per year of which about 10,000 go into production. The retailer company has moved away from the traditional industry practice of offering two collections a year, for Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter. Their seasonless cycle involves the continual introduction of new products on a rolling basis throughout the year. This allows designers to learn from customers reactions to their new products and incorporate them quickly into more new products. In the case of Zara the garment is designed; a batch is manufactured and pulsed through the supply chain. Often the design is never repeated; it may be modified and another batch produced, but there is no design as such. (Cowe, Manufacturing In the fickle world of fashion, even seemingly well-targeted designs could go out of favor in the months it takes to get plans to contract manufacturers, tool up production, then ship items to warehouses and eventually to retail locations. But getting locally targeted designs quickly onto store shelves is where Zara really excels. The average time for a Zara concept to go from idea to appearance in store is 15 days vs. rivals who receive new styles once or twice a season. Smaller tweaks arrive even faster. If enough customers come in and ask for, say a round neck instead of a v neck, a new version can be in stores with in just 10 days (Tagliabue, 2003). To put that in perspective, Zara is twelve times faster than Gap (its direct competitor), despite offering roughly ten times more unique products. (Helft, 2002) Nearly 60% of Zaras merchandise is produced in-house, with an eye on leveraging technology in those areas that speed up complex tasks, lower cycle time, and reduce error. Profits from this clothing retailer come from blending math with its data-driven fashion sense. Inventory optimization models help the firm determine how many of which items in which sizes should be delivered to stores during twice-a-week shipments, ensuring stores are stocked with just what they need(Gentry, 2007). Outside the distribution center in La Coruà ±a, fabric is cut and dyed by robots in 23 highly automated factories. Zara is so vertically integrated, the firm makes 40 percent of its own fabric and purchases most of its dyes from its own subsidiary. Most Zara factories and their sub-contrators work on a single-shift system to retain some voume flexibility. (Tokatli, 2007) Distribution Zara has invested in highly automated warehouses, close to their main production centres that store, pack and assemble individual orders for their retail networks. These automated warehouses represent a major investment for both companies. In 2001, Zara caused some press comment by announcing that it would open a second automated warehouse even though, by its own calculations, it was only using about half its existing warehouse capacity. Zara is able to deliver the new design apparel from the drawing board to the stores in one or two weeks and therefore can respond very quickly to fast-changing tastes of their young urban customers (Walker et al., 2000). Retail All Zara stores (average size, 800 square metres) are owned and run solely by Inditex. Perhaps the most remarkable characteristic of Zara stores is that garments rarely stay for longer than two weeks. Because product designs are often not repeated and are produced In relatively small batches, the range of garments displayed in the store can change radically every two or three weeks. This encourages customers to avoid delaying a purchase and to revisit the store frequently. Below is a diagram that shows the cycle how a product is made. The companys success is because of the total control in every aspect of the business, from designing, to production, and to distribution. By having total control of the entire process, the company can quickly react to the fast changing fashion trend and customer taste, this provides the company an idea of the latest fashion trend. Having total control in all business activities allows Zara to produce and release new design in a short span of time. Key success factors of Zara SCM Zara concentrates the perfect success formula pretty much based on: Short Lead Time = More fashionable clothes Lower quantities = Scarce supply More styles = More choice, and more chances of hitting it Firstly, by focusing on shorter response times, the company ensures that its stores are able to carry clothes that the consumers want at that time. Zara can move from identifying a trend to having clothes in its stores within 30 days, this means that Zara can quickly identify and catch a winning fashion trend, while its competitors are struggling to catch up. Catching fashion while it is hot is a clear recipe for better margins with more sales happening at full prices and fewer discounts. In comparison, most retailers of comparable size or even smaller, work on timelines that stretch into 4-12 months. Thus, most retailers try to forecast what and how much its customers might buy many months in the future, while Zara moves in step with its customers. Trend identification comes through constant research not just traditional consumer market research, but a daily stream of emails and phone calls from the stores to head office. Unlike other retailers, Zaras machinery can react to the repo rt immediately and produce a response in terms of a new style or a modification within 2-4 weeks. Many other retailers have such long supply chain lead times that for them it would seem a lost cause for them to even try and respond to a sales report. Secondly, by reducing the quantity manufactured in each style, Zara not only reduces its exposure to any single product but also creates an artificial scarcity. As with all things fashionable, the less its availability, the more desirable the object becomes. The added benefit of lower quantities is that if a style does not work well, there is not much to be disposed during the season-end sale. The result of this is that Zara discounts only about 18 percent of its production, roughly half the levels of competitors. Thirdly, instead of more quantities per style, Zara produces more styles, roughly 12,000 a year. Thus, even if a style sells out very quickly, there are new styles already waiting to take up the space. Zara can offer more choices in more current fashions than many of its competitors. It delivers merchandise to its stores twice a week, and since re-orders are rare the stores look fresh every 3-4 days. Fresh produce, moving in step with the fashion trend and updated frequently the ingredients are just right to create the sweet smell of success. Now, the question is how does Zara achieve its three key success factors which would be a nightmare for most other retailers to achieve in such short time spans? So, let us look at the mechanisms that enable Zara to deliver on these parameters as well as some unique aspects of the retailers business model on figure 7 Supply Chain Objectives The objective of an effective supply chain management is to meet the requirements of end customers by supplying appropriate products and services when they are needed, at a competitive cost. Doing this requires the supply chain to achieve appropriate levels of the five operations performance objectives: quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost. (Cowe, The quality objective: Zara brand name is synonymous with quality and the right price. Stores are located on emblematic streets likeOxford Street and5th avenue; the highest standards of products are demanded in these areas. 65% of products sold in Europe are produced in European plants where quality controls are higher and easier to manage. Flawed clothing items would erode the brand name eventually. The speed objective: hectic changes in fashion and high street tastes imply a need for logistic speed. Goods can be designed and delivered to the shelf within 6 weeks. In fact items spend so little time in the warehouse that they are already sold before they have to be paid for to their suppliers. The flexibility objective: demand for different types of clothing will changes and Zara must react accordingly. Sizes, color, quality and quality will change continuously. The customer has an active role from the start of the chain and is the drive for its business model. Customer requests are considered by the commercial and design team. The dependability objective: delivering on time to stores in a must. Customers have come to expect new items on a weekly basis on the shelves. The cost objective: affordability is vital to Zaras strategy however only 35% of goods are produced in Asia. This implies that operations management must be at its leanest as they operate within Europe where the cost structure is much higher. Zara ´s senior managers seem to comprehend intuitively the nonlinear relationship between capacity utilization, demand variability, and responsiveness. This relationship is well demonstrated by queuing theory which explains that a as capacity utilization begins to increase form low levels, waiting times increase gradually. But at some point, as the systems uses more of the available capacity, waiting times accelerates rapidly. As demand becomes ever more variable, this acceleration starts at lower and lower levels of capacity utilization. (Figure ) Information System Management of Zara Information and communications technology is at the heart of Zaras business. Zara is careful about the way it deploys the latest information technology tools to facilitate these informal exchanges. The company undertake different devices in order to increase the speed which basically gives them the competitive advantage over its competitors. The information system management of Zara are the followings: Collecting information on consumer needs; customized handheld computers support the connection between the retail stores and La Coruà ±a. These PDAs supplement regular, often weekly, phone conversations between the store managers and the market specialists assigned to them. Through the PDAs and telephone conversations, stores transmit all kinds of information to La Coruà ±a, such hard data as orders and sales trends and such soft data as customer reactions and the buzz around a new style. While any company can use PDAs to communicate, Zaras flat organization ensures that important conversations do not fall through the bureaucratic cracks. PDAs are also linked to the stores point-of-sale (POS) system, showing how garments rank by sales. In less than an hour, managers can send updates that combine the hard data captured at the cash register combined with insights on what customers would like to see. All of this valuable data allows the firm to plan styles and issue re-buy orders base d on feedback rather than hunches and guesswork. The goal is to improve the frequency and quality of sense making for the design planning teams. In this way, Zara avoids costly overproduction and the subsequent sales and discounting prevalent in the industry. (Rohwedder and Johnson, 2008) Standardization of product information different or incomplete specifications and varying product information availability typically add several weeks to a typical retailers product design and approval process, but Zara warehouses the product information with common definitions, allowing it to quickly and accurately prepare designs, with clear cut manufacturing instructions. Product information and inventory management being able to manage thousands of fabric and trim specifications, design specifications as well as their physical inventory, gives Zaras team the capability to design a garment with available stocks, rather than having to order and wait for the material to come in. Distribution management: its State-of-the-art distribution facility functions with minimal human intervention. Approximately 200 kilometers of underground tracks move merchandise from Zaras manufacturing plants to the 400 chutes that ensure each order reaches its right destination. Optical reading devices sort out and distribute more than 60,000 items of clothing an hour. Zaras merchandise does not waste time waiting for human sorting. CONCLUSION Zara has an unordinary supply chain, which gives them a highly competitive advantage. In a time of globalisation and a constant search for lower cost, Zara is a notable exception. They choose to handle design, production, and distribution in-house and concentrate the whole production close to their headquarters in Spain. By integrating the entire process, Zara can react much faster than its competitors do to both the ephemeral trends in the world of fashion and the capricious tastes of its customers. At the end of every working day the manager of a Zara store reports exactly what has been sold to headquarters. This information is quickly relayed to the design department where product lines can be altered, supplanted or created in a matter of days. BIBLIOGRAPHY Cowe, A., Mackerron G. And Milliken, A. (2008) Creating Competitive Advantage, Harlow, Pearson Education Linited Institute of Personnel Management. Echikson, W.,(200) The Mark of Zara, BusinessWeek Gentry, C., (2007) European Fashion Stores Edge Past U.S. Counterparts, Chain Store Age Heller, R. (2001), Inside ZARA, Forbes, New York, NY. Helft, M. (2002) Fashion Fast Forward, Business 2.0. MacKerron, G. (2009) Lectures slides for MBA students of Napier University. Porter, M. E. and Millar, V. E. (1991) `How information gives you competitive advantage, in M. E.Porter (ed.) (1991) On Competition and Strategy. Harvard Business Review Paperback No. 90079. M. Christopher (2004), Logistics and Supply Change Management. Pearson Education, Great Britain. Porter, M. E. (1980) Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors, Free Press, New York. Zook, C. (2001), Profit from the Core. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts. Porter, Michael E., Competitive Advantage. 1985, Ch. 1, pp 11-15. The Free Press. New York. Rowe, Mason, Dickel, Mann, Mockler; Strategic Management: a methodological approach. 4th Edition, 1994. Addison-Wesley. Reading Mass. Rohwedder, C., and Johnson, K., Pace-Setting Zara Seeks More Speed to Fight Its Rising Cheap-Chic Rivals, The Wall Street Journal, Feb. 20, 2008. Tagliabue, J., (2003) A Rival to Gap that Operates like Dell, The New York Times. Tagliabue, J. (2003), Spanish fashion chain Zara rivals Gap by operating like Dell', New York Times, 9 June. The Economist, (2005) The Future of Fast Fashion Tokatli, N.,(2007) Global sourcing: insights from the global clothing industry the case of Zara, a fast fashion retailer, Journal of Economic Geography. Kotler, Philip; Keller, Kevin Lane (2006). Marketing Management (12 ed.).Pearson Education. Harvard Business Review, Vol. 82, No.11, November 2004. INDITEX (2008) Who we are Walker, B., Bovet, D. and Martha, J. (2000), Unlocking the supply chain to build competitive advantage, Journal of Logistic Management, Vol. 11 No. 2.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cultural Assimilation Essay -- United States, American society, ethnic

Many people come to the United States for change. Change they think will be given to them the moment they step foot on U.S soil, which happens to be incorrect. There is a process to undergo before an individual is able to experience change. A process which occurs once they allow it to begin. Cultural assimilation is â€Å"a process by which members of an ethnic minority group lose cultural characteristics that distinguish them from the dominant cultural group or take on the cultural characteristics of another group† ( It is challenging to begin, that is why when deciding on weather or not to assimilate, â€Å"people usually weigh the benefits and costs† (Konya 2). For example, parents usually assimilate even if it â€Å"imposes very large costs for them, because they want the best for their children† (Konya 2). But, there are still ethnic groups that assimilate into American society at much lower rates than others because they refuse to until they finally decide to later in their lives. To be more specific, there is evidence to support that Mexicans in Los Angeles, CA are assimilating at lower rates than any other race: â€Å"Now, a new study lays bare what sociologists and others have long argued: Mexican immigrants are assimilating to life in the United States less successfully than other immigrants† (Schulte 1). The Madonnas of Echo Park by Brando Skyhorse portrays the terrible effects caused by the slow cultural assimilation of Mexicans in Los Angeles compared to other races. These effects such as poor income and daily struggles can be seen through Felicia Esperanza and remarks made by Freddy Blas as well as Efren Mendoza. Felicia Esperanza, a U.S born citizen was raised in a very Mexican concentrated... ...0 Nov. 2013. . Lazear, Edward P. "Mexican Immigration to the United States." Ed. George J. Borjas. Mexican Assimilation in the United States (2007): n. pag. National Bureau of Economic Research. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. . Schulte, Bret. "Mexican Immigrants Prove Slow to Fit In." US News and World Report., 15 May 2008. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. . Skyhorse, Brando. The Madonnas of Echo Park. New York: Free, 2010. Print. Teske, Raymond H.C., Jr., and Bardin H. Nelson. Acculturation and Assimilation: A Clarification 1.2 (1974): 351-67., Feb. 2013. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Honor in Thorstein The Staff-Struck :: Thorstein Staff-Struck

Honor in Thorstein The Staff-Struck    Honor is something that is earned, but it must also be defended in order to be upheld in the eyes of all.   In â€Å"Thorstein The Staff-Struck† one’s respect is based on their honor alone. Honor is the essence of a life worth living. In this story, a life without honor means that the life is worthless. Death is better than having no honor. Men will easily give their lives without second thought to earn, and protect it. Honor’s role in â€Å"Thorstein the Staff-Struck† takes on several roles, but all of them are to achieve one common goal. The various roles take on the common goal of achieving honor itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thorstein’s nick-name â€Å"the Staff-Struck† is a strain on his honor because his masculinity is being questioned after his first bout with Thord. Thorstein’s first reaction to the blow to his head by Thord’s staff   is not thought of as being honorable. He didn’t respond in a way that would defend his honor. He needed to stand up for himself to accomplish that trying task.. His response to Thord’s   blow was thought of as a cowards response. That meant his honor had been shamed by his own action, or lack of the correct actions. After that, Thorstein’s integrity was belittled in the eyes of others. One’s honor lies not only in the eyes of one’s self, but also in the words, and eyes of all present, and around. Thorstein had to avenge his honor in the eyes of the spectators for himself. Thorstein’s father prompted his vengeance though. Thorstein could not simply sit back, and be humiliated by his own father. That was just too much for him to deal with, nor did he want to try. He knew he must honor his father by bringing, and restoring honor to himself. His response, although late, was honorable. Timing is a crucial part of vengeance in this story though. Bijarni, the ruler of Hof, had a different role in society, but his honor   was still of great importance. Bijarni’s honor was questioned by his servants, his wife, and others because they felt his reverence had been stained by Thorstein. His lack of action against Thorstein made him weak in the eyes of others. He had been challenged, but he had not yet accepted the challenge. When honor is seen as challenged there must be action taken or soundness will be questioned. Thorhall and Thorvald questioned Bijarni’s honor in gossip, and in rumor. Bijarni then instructed the two to leave, and return with Thorstein’s head, as he can not stand by while his servants

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Frankenstein Essay -- English Literature Essays

Frankenstein Frankenstein is a novel that was written by Mary Shelley. It was first published in 1818.The story was about a man named Victor Frankenstein who created a monster thatcommitted a series of murders when he was rejected by society. Mary Shelley was the author of the novel Frankenstein. She was born in August of 1797and died in February of 1857, at the age of fifty-four. In the summer of 1816, Mary stayedwith a poet named Byron. Also staying with Byron was his physician Polidori and JaneClarmont, a short story writer. Byron suggested they should all write a horror story. This iswhen the story of Victor Frankenstein occurred to Mary. She said the story was born rightout of a nightmare. At first, it was only meant to be a short story, but at the urging of herhusband, she increased the story to its present length. The novel took place in Geneva, Switzerland in the 1700s. Victor Frankenstein lived in ahouse near Lake Gevena: We possessed a house in Geneva, and a campagne on Belrive, the eas tern shore of the lake, at the distance of rather more than a league from the city. The house was near the Jura mountain range. Victor climbed the mountain when he soughtsolitude and consolation. The house itself was big and had an upstairs and downstairs. Muchof the story unfolded in this house. However, Victor Frankenstein had previously attended theUniversity of Ingolstadt for three years and this was where the monster was created. As the plot begins an Arctic explorer named...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Business Etiquette and God

Business Etiquette and God Where Does God Fit In? Andrew Estep Liberty University Abstract This paper uses scripture from the Bible and many other credible sources to instruct the reader about the role God plays within business etiquette. The research targets business interactions from a Christian’s perspective. Many of the references used in this paper, have at some point or another, run or are running a legitimate company. The research conducted by each person comes from personal experience and other well established sources. If examined together, the writings of these authors coincide with one another and the word of God. All the research points to single thesis; God should be in the middle of our daily lives and especially our jobs. Also, in order to truly grasp the full meaning of living a Christ centered life, deeper learning and understanding is required. Tying God and etiquette together is essential for a Christian person aspiring to be a businessman or businesswoman. Within business etiquette, there lie many know how’s, why’s and what for’s. Business etiquette consists of mannerisms and ways of doing business appropriately. Without a standard of etiquette which is acceptable by all cultures and all peoples, business etiquette would become chaotic. Every group, language, and person would define their own ways, which if you are not happy with, too bad. Of course,etiquette varies slightly from one country and culture to another, but these variations are minor and if studied at a slightest bit would be easy to remember for future references. If asked, â€Å"What is business etiquette? † Most people would respond with something like this, â€Å"how to eat right, how to sit right, how to talk right, and how to dress right. This is correct to a certain extent but business etiquette requires a little more performance from an individual practicing it. If one truly wants to understand why and how etiquette is conducted, they must simply take a little more time in learning etiquette and maybe even researching the history for why things are done the way they are. Now, let us say one inquires as to how God a nd Christianity fit into business etiquette? In order to answer this inquiry, one must understand that business etiquette is a lot more intricate then the common thoughts it is associated with. Being a well mannered business person requires class and style which do not come with ease. These attributes are learned and practiced daily. Etiquette, if honest and real, can truly show a person’s heart. Real etiquette is seen from the outside and the inside of a person. Motives, thoughts, ideals, and character alike are the catalysts for the beginnings of a â€Å"type† of person. If the heart is pure, the man will be pure also, but if the heart is deceitful, so will be the man. Proverbs tells us, â€Å"A malicious man disguises himself with his lips, but in his heart he harbors deceit. Though his speech is charming, do not believe him. (New International Version, 2005)This paper will explore the different levels of doing business etiquette from a Christian perspective. A Christian is held to a higher standard, not necessarily by men, but rather by God. As a Christian, we are called to be lights in this world and to live for God’s glory so that he might be ple ased with us. C. S Lewis tells us, â€Å"For glory means good report with God, acceptance by God, response, acknowledgement, and welcome into the heart of things. †(Lewis, 2001) Since Christians are called to a higher standard, etiquette must be broken down even further and needs to include the minute details of life. These details include; rapports, money, walk with God, life perspective, choices, building a reputation and lastly our goals; not necessarily in that order. These seven categories are not the only areas involved with Christian etiquette, but rather seven of many. This paper will focus on these attributes and explain how Christianity and etiquette can be tied together in order to become Christian business etiquette. Within the human society and the world, a name is one of the most important aspects of a person, place, or thing. When speaking of a name, the prettiness of the names is not what is being discussed here, but rather what one thinks about the object or person being described. â€Å"Reputation and name are often linked, like hand and glove. There is value in a name. †(Pollard, 2006) To better understand the meaning of this, here are a few names; Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Ivan the Terrible, Enron, and Al-Qaida. On the opposite spectrum we have Billy Graham, Martin Luther King Jr. , C. S. Lewis, Gandhi, World Peace Organization, and Compassion International. Each one of these names has a deeper meaning associated with them. Hitler and Stalin were mass murderers, Enron was a cheating company and Al-Qaida is a terrorist funding organization. On the other hand Billy Graham, Martin Luther King Jr. , and Gandhi were and are people of noble character, World Peace organization speaks for itself and Compassion International is a light for children globally. The name of a person or an organization will either make them or break them. Proverbs says, â€Å"A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. (New International Version, 2005) A name becomes what it is by the way it is lived out. The individual or the company with the name cannot define its reputation, for it is the people around them who are the judges. The individual or the company can lead the direction of the people’s thoughts by how he or it acts. An evil person will be deemed evil, and a righteous person will be deemed righteous . William Pollard says, â€Å"What’s in our name? A rich heritage and legacy of the past and also a purpose and direction for the future. It is both valuable and fragile. It can be used or abused. It is an intangible asset of the firm. †(Pollard, 2006) Here Pollard is speaking of the company he once ran which can also be applied to a human name. Within business etiquette, if your name is already in shambles, the person whom you are trying to relate with will want nothing to do with you. This is why the Bible says in Ephesians, â€Å"Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. †(New International Version, 2005) A character who makes a name for themselves is usually a person who contains many great attributes. Most of all, he is a person who has learned for themselves the value of life and the secret of joyful living. The great thing about being a Christian, is knowing what one is working for and why. Let’s clarify though, that a Christian does not attain salvation by works, but rather by a relationship with Christ. Once a person becomes a Christian, they learn and want to be workmen for Christ Jesus. Ephesians says, â€Å"For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. †(New International Version, 2005) As a Christian then, it is important to work for God and His glory. A true believer would find joy in the workrather than it being a nuisance. There is a saying that if you enjoy your job, you’ll never work another day. Many people do not have such an attitude about their job and this negativity can be very unhealthy in a workplace. David Stewards says, â€Å"That kind of thinking not only makes work boring and tedious, it causes stress and sometimes leads to health problems. In addition, a negative person in the workplace can hurt the morale of coworkers. The negative effect can extend to customers and vendors. (Stewards, 2004) As can be seen, negativity in a workplace can have far more reaching effects then realized. Within business etiquette, how a person carries themselves and displays their demeanor is a crucial know-how. By displaying the joy of work, one can usually spread the ‘joy bug’ to the coworkers around them. Another way people view work is as deadlines, tedious tasks, large projects and just another paycheck. When viewed that way, it is impossible for work not to seem awful. One author says, â€Å"Beauty inspires hope, and provides a reason for seeing differently. Business can be beautiful, which is part of the reason it so engages our lives and imagination. †(Costa, 2005) Christians are meant to find joy in work, despite the type of work that it is. Gains and losses can apply for more than just capital, money and profits. Every time a decision to act in one way or another is made, it affects a gain or a loss in our standings with others. One author has described these standings as a spiritual capital account. Ken Eldred proposed an account like a bank account which can grow or shrink with deposits or withdrawals. The spiritual capital currency that is deposited (or withdrawn) is the exercise (or lack of exercise) of biblical principles: integrity, accountability, honesty, hope, love, trust, stewardship, fairness, order, loyalty, service, and so forth. †(Eldred, 2005) Christian businessmen, as stated earlier are held to a higher standard and are called to be leaders within their workplace. This is how business builds a good rapport with their customers. Even if this does not help them to get ahead in their financial standing, it helps them increase in their popularity standings. It is not always easy to do the right thing, and it is also not always easy to know what the right thing is. This is why God has instilled us with that all so small little voice (Holy Spirit) which speaks and guides us. Steward says, â€Å"Let’s give credit where credit is due. What people call a gut feeling isn’t what they think. I believe what we label an innate response is actually spiritually inspired. †(Steward, 2004) In business, people have to make quick choices on their feet, and it is important to make the right choices. Etiquette is about saying the right things at the right time so as to be competent or at least appear that way. We are to be diligent in what and how we say or approach people. The book of James says, â€Å"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. †(New International Version, 2005) Money is yet another important topic, but one might wonder how money relates to etiquette. The society runs on money. Money is the fuel that makes our world go round and round. The way a Christian spends, makes, and views money reflects that persons understanding of its purpose. It also reflects on how he views his job, why he works and how hard he works. â€Å"The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. †(New International Version, 2005) Christians are called to give freely for everything we have comes from the Lord. â€Å"The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. †(New International Version, 2005) A Roman Catholic Priest named Paoli had associated money with grace. It probably could not be better explained then in the terms Paoli has provided. â€Å"Money represents an exchange of potentialities that depends on trust and circulates hope. None of us create money. We may earn and grow it, but like grace it is a value that exists beyond any one of us – that we participate in without any particular merit, and that ultimately passes through us. † (Costa, 2005) Money provides security; it gives hope to some and ideas of grandeur to others. When money is scarce, despair starts setting in, stress amounts, and pressures build allowing for fear to dominate the life. For a Christian, money is a tool for God’s purpose, and a Christian should not be afraid of finance shortages. By being an example in the workplace and by showing good stewardship of money, a person can have great influence on the coworkers in the workplace. â€Å"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? †(New International Version, 2005) Just as for any business man or company, increasing personal or shareholder wealth is the most important aspect of business. In order to attain this goal of any successful company, strategic vision is an essential element. â€Å"A strategic vision thus points an organization in a particular direction, charts a strategic path, and molds organizational identity. †(Thompson, Strickland & Gamble, 2007) For a Christian, a strategic vision comes from the Lord. Christians are called to follow God in all that they do with a mind set and understanding that God has the best plans for them. â€Å"’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. †(New International Version, 2005) God is a God of love, and he wants the best for his people. If the people come to him and just ask, He will provide for them and share with them His thoughts. â€Å"For God to do the outrageous through us, we need to be in agreement with Him and have a clear vision of where we are going. We need to identify how God is wo rking to further His Kingdom so that we can pull in the same direction. †(Eldred, 2005) Without this vision, the people are like sheep stranded in the wilderness without direction or a way back home. A mission statement is what defines a company, but without a vision, there can be no mission. Every mission has an end goal; this end goal is the vision being discussed. When it comes to leading people, vision is a necessity. â€Å"I strongly believe that in order to lead, one must have a vision. It’s the vision that provides the leader and his organization with direction. The lack of a vision is akin to raveling across the country with no roadmap and no destination. As a result, you turn in this direction, then go that way, meandering everywhere. †(Steward, 2004) Here is a very important question when it comes to being aligned with God’s vision. â€Å"How can you know God’s plans without knowing Him? A person, who does not spend time with God, doesn’t know God; therefore doesn’t have His vision. Jesus tells us in John, â€Å"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. †(New International Version, 2005) As stated in the previous paragraph, it is really hard to know God without spending time and walking with H im. Walking consistently with God is the next stage of getting to know him and his business plans an individual’s life. Christians are called to live their life with Christ as their partner, brother, father, wife, etc†¦ John Costa points out a resemblance of how one is to live, that with the life of Christ. As suggested earlier, Jesus taught, preached and embodied a ‘double and’ theology. In every interaction or experience – for every decision or response – he insisted that binary exclusions be broken and that the intimate, loving presence of God be made near and dear. †(Costa, 2005) An important lesson to grasp from this is that people cannot do anything on their own. Every ability and success comes from the Lord. Proverbs says, â€Å"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (New International Version, 2005) Also, â€Å"He who t rusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe. †(New International Version, 2005) Walking in wisdom is another way of saying walking with God. For a Christian business man, losing sight of God could easily mislead the man down the wrong path. Many Christians claim to know God and to walk with Him. But many Christians are also fooling themselves and others around them. Sometimes these so-called Christian people know they are doing this, but sometimes they are truly buying into their own lie. The real test of walking with God comes when a man or a woman comes to a fork in the road. Not just a normal fork with easy decisions about which market to enter and such; this is too easy. The fork spoken of here has one road which takes them to United States and the other one to Mexico. Or to put it simply, they can either chose God or their business. If the business is heading in a direction away from God, what should one do? If a person is ordered to act in a way that goes against God’s thinking, what actions should they take? Our nation has a rich heritage of great Americans who risked their lives to stand up for their beliefs. †(Steward, 2004) Another business person says, â€Å"We seek to honor God as an end goal and recognize that growing profitably is a means goal. †(Pollard, 2006) If people chose idols such as success, money, and prestige over God, in the end God will not recognize them for loving him above all. The penalties for not choosing God could b e even far worse than expected. â€Å"Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers. †(New International Version, 2005) Walking away from what is known to be wrong is walking towards God. Choosing Jesus shows real faith and real commitment. When a person lives out their beliefs with their actions, it is called integrity. People with integrity can be trusted and relied on to do as they say. Christians are not supposed to be afraid of what others think of them when it comes to choosing between right and wrong. Jesus says, â€Å"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belong to the world, it would love you as its own. †(New International Version, 2005) A great verse to summarize this paragraph is found in Matthews 6:24, â€Å"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. †(New International Version, 2005) Many people would ask what some of the above paragraphs have to do with business etiquette. The answer to that question can be summarized in the following way: Etiquette is the interactions between people. People follow and lead by seeing or setting examples for one another. Christian business etiquette requires a higher standard to live by. In order to live by these standards, different outlooks on life have to be grasped and understood. For a Christian, these outlooks are associated with a life lived for Jesus Christ. In order to live a Christ filled life, certain practices and choices are required. These practices and choices, if done correctly, achieve the end goal of intertwining of God and business etiquette. By joining of God and etiquette together, types of pure actions and motives are produced. John Costa says in his book, Magnificence at Work, â€Å"Small things matter because any company or person that settles for less than magnificence in effect collaborates with the opposing multiplication of meanness. †(Costa, 2005) If the logic above is not simple enough, the following sentence should help: Christians are to display God in all that they do and say, this includes etiquette. References Costa, J. D. (2005). Magnificence at Work: Living Faith in Business. MontrA ©al: Novalis. Eldred, K. (2005). God is at Work: Transforming People and Nations Through Business. Ventura, CA: Regal Books. Gamble, J. E. , J. , A. , Thompson, A. , & Strickland, I. (2009). Crafting & Executing Strategy: Text and Readings (17 ed. ). Boston: Mcgraw-Hill College. Lewis, C. S. (2001). The Weight of Glory (New Ed ed. ). SanFrancisco: HarperSanFrancisco. Pollard, C. W. (2006). Serving Two Masters? : Reflections on God and Profit. New York: Harperbusiness. Shook, R. L. , & Steward, D. (2004). Doing Business by the Good Book: Fifty-Two Lessons on Success Sraight from the Bible (1st ed. ). New York: Hyperion. Zondervan. (2006). NIV Thinline Brown/Nero Black – FCS. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.